ADE van and trailer

The company building

… in Feldstrasse had to be completely rebuilt after the destruction in World War II. But it was full of drive – soon the name ADE became synonymous with scales and slicers of the highest quality. The famous ADE fan head scale made the company known far beyond the borders of Germany.

In the following years

… the company grew – everyone in Hamburg knew the VW van with the scale on the roof! It was the years of the economic miracle, ADE kept up with the times. They were successfully represented at the important exhibitions and the management rewarded the growth with company outings in the style of the travel-loving 50s.
ADE Essen 1954
ADE Flyer Berlin 1963

With great enthusiasm

… we have been developing and producing products to our standards since 1935: well thought through, solid and absolutely precise. You can rely on it sightlessly, at any time and with every move.

85 years of experience

… have taught us one thing above all: Special are often things that accompany us every day. In big innovations or small details – and the people with whom we achieve our daily goal together.

Our conviction

… was and still is: Staying on due course, even against the current, always thinking one step ahead – for you, our customers. To this we are bound by our tradition as a brand manufacturer, but above all by your trust in us.


ADE_Logo 85 Years white red